Why does hair fall out after coronavirus and how to stop it?

Hair loss after covid and restoration of natural hair growth
Blog: Hair Care Tips |

hair loss after covid

Severe stress, anxiety about loved ones and fear of infection, lockdowns, distancing, breakdown of communication, the minds and lives of people around the world have been changed by the COVID19 coronavirus infection. To all of these problems associated with the disease itself, additional problems have been added, including severe hair loss after experiencing coronavirus in both men and women. 
Unfortunately, many have had to deal with the unpleasant effects of covid and find themselves with what is known as "post-covid syndrome." Scientists are carefully studying the effects of viral stress on the body. The manifestations are varied:
  • shortness of breath
  • insomnia
  • Changes in tastes and smells
  • weakness
One additional unpleasant symptom is excessive hair loss and cessation of hair growth.

Hair loss after covid can be characterized as "diffuse telogen alopecia," that is, the premature completion of the hair growth stage.

The hair follicle lives through three phases: the anagen, catagen, and telogen phases. 
  • The first, anagen, is the phase of active hair growth, which lasts several years.
  • The second phase, catagen, is the regression phase, which prepares the hair for hair loss, when its life cycle is complete.
  • The third, telogen, is the resting phase, when the follicle rests and a new hair embryo is formed; keratinized and worn-out hair falls out.
Most often, worn-out hair leaves the follicle by mechanical action: washing, combing, pulling hair, this is normal. Normally about 85% of hair in humans is in the active growth phase, anagen. Critical hair loss is when the amount of telogen and catagen hair exceeds the norm of 15%.

What are the reasons for the excessive hair loss after COVID recovery?

There are several: from a vitamin B deficiency to thickening of the blood, which deprives the hair of the possibility of nutrition. But the most important are the following. 
  • Firstly, it is virus intoxication. Hair follicle receptors are very susceptible to the release of toxins. 
  • Secondly, the body itself activates the process of hair loss, to fight the virus. Coronavirus is a viral infection to which the organism reacts with the release of acute-phase proteins and pyrogens (substances responsible for the rise in temperature and causing fever). This entire virus-fighting team begins to circulate in the bloodstream. The follicle, which feeds on nutrients from the systemic circulation, receives a dose of acute-phase proteins and pyrogens during illness. Thus, the nutrition of the hair is disrupted, which interrupts the phase of growth and rest, leading straightly to hair loss. 
  • The third reason is a decrease in local immunity. At the moment of infection, the immune system switches to the fight against the virus. Local immunity, the immunity of the bulb itself and the scalp, decreases sharply during the illness. Consequently, the bulb starts losing its protective functions. 
As a result, the hair follicle, which could have given hair growth for several years, curls up and goes into the loss stage. With this kind of diffuse alopecia, the amount of hair loss can be up to 50%. 
Indeed, this is frightening. But hair loss after an illness does not mean that it is impossible to restore its health and density. 

You can stop hair loss after suffering covid and restore their growth!

It will take the body 3 to 7 months to rehabilitate and recover on its own. Then the hair loss itself will disappear, and then the hair volume will gradually recover. 
The best help in the restoration of natural hair growth is a gradual, competent and complex restoration of the whole body by means of
  • good quality nutrition
  • vitamin support
  • adherence to work and rest, physical activity
  • gentle cosmetic hair care products

Trichologists do not recommend trying to influence the process of hair restoration by radical measures: in this case the effectiveness of plasmotherapy or ozone restoration is highly questionable.
If you are faced with post-diffuse telogenic alopecia, special preparations for the scalp, means against hair loss and for hair growth restoration can help.
The Valdoré collection was developed by Swiss laboratories specifically for the care of weakened hair.
The intensive Valdoré program based on plant stem cells considerably reduces hair loss and stimulates its natural growth, making hair thicker and full of vitality.
The components of the program neutralize the main factors causing diffuse post-allopecia: impaired blood circulation for the necessary supply of oxygen and nutrients to the hair follicles, fibrosis of the hair follicle, vitamin deficiency.
Valdoré Scalp Stimulating Serum helps to improve nutrition and scalp health, enhances microcirculation and awakens dormant hair follicles.
With comprehensive body assistance and step-by-step supportive hair care, you will be able to cope more quickly with post-covid syndrome, stop hair loss, strengthen and restore the beauty and health of your hair after covid.
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