Healthy diet for healthy hair

Edyta Skrobotowicz, double certificated by Stanford Center for Health Education in Nutrition Science and Exercise Physiology. About Diets, healthy nutrition and its role for hair.
Blog: Hair Care Tips |
Hair is undoubtedly one of the key attributes of both femininity and masculinity. Lush, shiny hair is a sign of youth, vitality, and strength. It is an object of interest, care, and ongoing desire. Beautiful, perfect, and strong hair is proven to be the combination of two factors: great body and conscious practices related to its external care.
Quality of hair can be traced back to medical and dietary history. The hair follicle is a dynamic structure with a high turnover. In order to keep strong and healthy hair, a good supply of nutrients and energy is required to maintain its demanding metabolism. Many nutritional deficiencies may lead to worsening hair shaft quality with negative impact on its composition and longevity. Malnutrition, malabsorption, or use of medicines are among the three most important deficiencies that impact the health of our hair.
Let’s break it down. Malnutrition occurs when the body doesn’t receive enough nutrients. This may be due to:
  1. poor diet, highly refined, or processed food intake
  2. eating disorders such as anorexia
  3. malabsorption of the nutrients related to age, sickness, or medications

Medicines may also have an impact on the hair quality due to their specific ingredients. 
Diets for weight loss may lead to hair loss too, especially if the calorie intake is less than 1 000 kcal/day and if protein intake is insufficient.(1)
(1)Nutrition and Hair Deficiencies and Supplements, Andreas M. Finner, MD, Trichomed Clinic for hair Medicine and Hair Transplantation, Berlin, Germany, 2013
The human scalp has approximately 100 000 hair follicles. Most are in the anagen - growth phase, where there is no alopecia, therefore, they need essential elements, such as proteins, vitamins, minerals, Omega-3, and Omega-6 fatty acids to build healthy hair. For that reason, these ingredients are important components of the diet.
(2) The Role of Vitamins and Minerals in Hair Loss: A Review, Hind M. Almohanna, Azhar A. Ahmed, John P. Tsatalis, and Antonella Tosti, 2019
Is it necessary to keep track of the exact quantities of consumed nutrients to maintain a healthy life? 

The answer is no – provided we stick to healthy diet:
Edyta Skrobotowicz, double certificated by Stanford Center for Health Education in Nutrition Science and Exercise Physiology. About Diets, healthy nutrition and its role for hair.
Healthy food choices may be compared to the colours of the rainbow and should be imbedded in everyone’s daily food choices. A rainbow on the plate provides a secret to health, youth, and happiness.
The current pace of life, stress, illness, poor diet, and others may lead to temporary deficiencies in selected nutrients and cause hair loss. Please consult your healthcare provider before taking dietary supplements to treat a health condition.

Edyta Skrobotowicz:
Double certificated by Stanford Center for Health Education in Nutrition Science and Exercise Physiology.
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